
User rating:
7 Yays 6 Nays

6 Signs of Adaptive PHP

Is your PHP code "adaptive"? 6 signs that they are.
User rating:
13 Yays 13 Nays

Building HTML/CSS Sites: Use a Template

If you churning out websites frequently, it can be very unproductive to start from scratch each time the basic HTML code . This article looks at creating a reusable, basic template for that purpose.
User rating:
20 Yays 13 Nays

Harry Roberts’ Web Developer Handbook

Logica Web Developer Handbook is an amalgamation of web-standards solutions for common web development issues and problems, all on one page.
User rating:
10 Yays 13 Nays

CSS Code Readability Tips

Some general tips on improving your CSS code's readability, which is an often ignored subject.
User rating:
31 Yays 10 Nays

Block Style Font

A font made by a young talented girl just 16 years of age. Julie Kapral is one young designer we should keep an eye on.
User rating:
5 Yays 9 Nays

Form field Limiter v2.0

Form Field Limiter lets you limit the number of characters allowed in a INPUT or TEXTAREA element, plus display in real time the number of characters remaining.
User rating:
4 Yays 4 Nays

Javascript String Concatenation and efficiency

Avoiding simple string concatenations is one of the most vital lessons to learn in JavaScript when it comes to code efficiency.
User rating:
3 Yays 1 Nays

iBBDemo iPhone Browser Simulator

iBBDemo is a desktop app that simulates the iPhone browser for cross platform development. It correctly renders Webkit targeted HTML, including the custom -webkit CSS extensions.
User rating:
7 Yays 4 Nays

43 PSD to XHTML, Web Layouts, And Navigation tutorials.

As the title suggests, a collection of CSS and layout tutorials with a focus on PSD to XHTML converting.
User rating:
8 Yays 5 Nays

Breaking Rules: The Lies of Logo Design

A look at the rules of good logo design, and why some are meant to be broken.

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